Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My First Online Texas Holdem Tournament

Ok, my first tourney was over pretty fast. The game play is different than the usual online poker match as there always seems to be someone going all in, so to just stay in a hand to see what may come up is not possible. If you stay out of most hands you will last longer but eventually you will run out of chips as the ante keeps going up plus the big blind and little blind get higher every few minutes. I think my first tourney lasted 20 minutes before I got caught playing what I thought was a good hand and went all in against someone who had been going all in every hand and winning. I thought his luck would run out against me. I had two queens dealt me when I went up against the winner, I got one more on the flop giving me three of a kind. I figured this hand was mine since no cards showing were higher than a queen until the last card which was a king. I mean, what are the odds in one hand two people would be dealt a pair with the first two cards? Apparently the other guy had been dealt two kings on the draw, which sucked for me. So what did I learn in my first tourney play? Luck plays a big part in these tourneys so I wouldn't be plunking down a lot of money on them until you get some experience under your belt by playing in freeplay tournaments which run almost every day at different times on You'll get some experience and have a chance to win gold cards and chips during the games which you can use to enter tourneys or spend on bonus items on the site.

See you at the tables,
